
Robert O'Neal

Robert is referred to as the Father of James William O'Neal, on James and Anne White's wedding record. Otherwise I can find nothing that relates to him.

James William O’Neal

The mists of time for the O’Neal family therefore start properly around 1825 when James William O’Neal was born in England. 

In 1846, James O’Neal, a resident of Bombay, marries Anne White.

James William’s profession is listed as an “Assistant Apothecary” on both his registration of marriage (below) and James Robert’s birth certificate. 

Marriage registration document showing James William O'Neal and Anne White's marriage in 1846

James and Anne had six sons, two of whom died in infancy. Although their eldest son, John William went on to have a family (see family tree), it is their second son who moved to England, and whose family continued in England and also some of whom emigrated to the USA.

Therefore, our story starts properly with the second son of James and Anne O’Neal